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copyright assignment中文是什么意思

用"copyright assignment"造句"copyright assignment"怎么读"copyright assignment" in a sentence


  • 版权转让


  • Although there are stipulations for copyright assignment in the copyright law , lots of imperfections still exist in legislation and judicial practice . it is necessary for us to make a research on the copyright assignment
  • In view of this , the paper analyses the copyright assignment from different aspects , such as the differences between assignment and licensing , differences between assignment of copyright and transfer of physical object , the academic dispute on the transmissibility of copyright and questions about the contract of copyright assignment and copyright trade
  • The rapid development of technology on computer and satellite communication brings new questions and problems , which have to be answered and solved . after entering the world trade organization ( wto ) , our country must comply with the duties stipulated on the trade - related aspects of intellectual property rights ( trips ) and amend the provisions . in 2001 , china made amendments on the copyright law , and added provisions for copyright assignment on a contracted basis
用"copyright assignment"造句  
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